Dermapen: anti-wrinkle technique, scars, stretch marks


Efficient to delay the cutaneous aging and visibly improve the quality of the skin, the Dermapen is a micro-needling technique developed in aesthetic and anti-aging medicine. Not much invasive, this treatment consists in realizing under-cutaneous injections using micro-needles to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. This process is particularly indicated to correct the crinkled aspect of the skin, the blurry complexion, the dilated pores, the acne scars or – associated to PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) – the stretch marks. Clinique du Lac can tell you more about this anti-aging method. 

What is Dermapen?

From the natural process of cutaneous aging, which starts at 30, the skin of the face looses in strength, flexibility and elasticity. Wrinkles and fine lines appear on the face, especially at the corner of the lips, the corner of the eyes and on the forehead. The face can present acne scars. The micropuncture technique (micro-needling), the Dermapen strengthens and rejuvenates the skin by stimulating the formation of collagen, natural protein that structures and tenses, whose production diminishes with age. The professional Dermapen sessions favor the cellular renewal to obtain a rejuvenated, healthier and more beautiful skin. 


Professional Dermapen: practical information

Soft anti-aging method, done without surgery, the Dermapen is efficient in preventing or correcting wrinkles that are not too strong. For deeper wrinkes, other techniques can be more appropriate such as peelings, acid hyaluronic or botox injections, or a lifting. Talk to our experts to choose the proper treatment most adapted for you. Ideal to retrieve density, clarity and tonus for the skin of the face, the treatment through Dermapen is done in several sessions at the clinic. 

Microneedling Dermapen technique: objectives and principles

Using Dermapen clearly improves the quality of the skin (texture, flexibility, brightness). This process can particularly solve: 

  • From the first signs of cutaneous aging: softens the wrinkles and fine lines, the pigmentation, fights the loosening and filatation of the pores. 
  • Acne scars: stimulated, the fibroblasts replace little by little the cicatricial tissues 
  • Stretch marks: the micro-canals created by the Dermapen allow the PRP to penetrate and notably reduce the stretch marks. 

In practice, the Dermapen lies on the principle of icropuncture. This technique consists in realizing under-cutaneous microinjections using an electric pen equipped with different micro-needles. The Dermapen has a single-use sterile head that contains 12 to 36 micro needles. Depending on the head chosen and the depth of desired action (from 0.25 to 3mm), the treatment will be painless or slightly uncomfortable, and in this case, applying an anesthetizing cream is possible. 

The injections made will contribute in stimulating the fibroblast cells, responsible for the production of collagen and elastin fibers, the two proteins giving the skin its strength, its elasticity and its flexibility. 

The benefits of Dermapen sessions can be quickly appreciated. The new wrinkles are faded; the face visibly appears younger. The months following the session, the structure of the skin continues to improve. It is also efficient to use micro needling against acne, to erase the scars. The Dermapen is also suggested in the treatment of stretch marks. 

Process of the intervention of professional Dermapen

The skin treatment through Dermapen is done without surgery and without aneasthesia – even local. Indeed, this treatment regenerating the skin is painless or can provoke a slight discomfort that an anesthetizing cream can clear. During the session, the patient is comfortably laying down. The doctor, then, practices the Dermapen application on the different zones treated. After the session, the face is not red (as opposed to laser or peeling). Socialization is not prevented, the patient can return to his/her normal routine. 

Depending on the age of the patient, imperfections to correct and skin characteristics, several sessions can be scheduled. The doctor defines the treatment protocol most adapted for you to obtain the desired results.

Cost of Dermapen

You would like to test the anti-aging technique of Dermapen? The cost of a Dermapen session varies from 150 to 250 euros. Based on the diagnosis established during the first consultation at Clinique du Lac, the doctor determines the number of sessions necessary to obtain the desired results. A personalized quote is given to the patient.