Deep Peelings

To give the skin its youth brightness back, men and women both choose the aesthetic medicine. Natural and ineluctable phenomenon, the cutaneous aging can be countered by a deep face peeling. How does a session of deep peeling go? What is the obtained result? What is the cost of this intervention? Clinique du Lac tells you everything you need to know about this aesthetic medicine procedure.

What is the deep peeling?

This technique of aesthetic medicine aims at the global rejuvenation of the face by applying phenol, a chemical product stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. As opposed to the superficial peeling or the medium peeling – done with other products – this practice is indicated for treatment of an advanced cutaneous aging. Indeed, this deep peeling does not limit itself at erasing the acne scars of reducing the fine lines, but acts on the deep epidermis by allowing a total renewal of the skin of the face. The face visibly looks younger, the complexion is smoother and more regular, and the skin is more tonic, flexible, luminous, and deeply plumped.

Deep Peeling: practical information

During a first consultation, the practitioner established a clinical diagnosis of your skin to guide you towards the best peeling (superficial, medium or deep) for you based on your age and the characteristics of your skin. The deep peeling can be the technique of aesthetic medicine the most appropriate to durably improve the aspect of your skin and rejuvenate your face. The medical act of a deep peeling is done under local anesthesia.

Deep face Peeling: objectives and principles

Protecting the organism from external aggressions, the skin reflects your health state and, of course, your age. 

Starting at 30 years old, the cutaneous aging process starts resulting in: 

  • The appearance of wrinkles and fine lines (edge of lips, forehead, edge of eyes, inter-eyebrow zone) 
  • A visible alteration of the skin quality: a less flexible texture, a lack of radiance and firmness, a loosening of the cutaneous tissues. 
  • The creation of pigmentary spots and irregularities on the surface of the epidermis. 

Involved: the diminution of production of certain substances by the organism such as the collagen, the hyaluronic acid and the elastin. Less hydrated, more fine, the skin appears more marked and the complexion is more dull. Especially if your skin is externally exposed (pollution, sun…), the face is the first to suffer from the effects of cutaneous aging. Some factors based on the lifestyle like tobacco addiction, stress, UV rays exposure can accelerate its process.

Process of a deep peeling session

The deep peeling is an aesthetic medicine technique that consists in applying a chemical product – phenol – to make the skin totally renew itself. The practitioner applies the product on the zone to be treated, then covers it with an occlusive bandage that will remain in place for 24 hours. This powerful exfoliating liquid will lead to a shedding of the cutaneous surface (of the epidermis until the deep layers of the dermis). In reaction, the organism will re-create the new dermic and epidermic layers allowing a total and deep rejuvenation of the skin. Then, the practitioner places a healing powder mask to keep for a week. 

The practitioner can chose a located treatment (upper lip or eyelid for example) or proceed to a deep peeling on the full face. The deep peeling technique is only designed for the face. 

After the intervention, the skin presents redness for a few weeks. These red patches disappear little by little the first 3 months after the intervention, letting the new skin appear (you need to protect it from the sun).